“I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it very well.”

Psalm 139:14


Every morning before I start my day, I do a daily devotional and a reading from a personal development book, usually something faith inspired.

The other morning, this verse was the theme for both. I figured it had to be a sign, something God wanted me to focus on. So here I am writing about it.

Two different concepts were presented for the verse, and as you’ll see, I can relate to both.

In the devotional, it was centered around a lady who was unhappy with her physical appearance and weight gain over the years as she got older. She went on to say, that despite her extra weight and how she now looked from lack of exercise, “God has made me wonderful.” She continued on, that her desire to take care of the wonderful body God has give her has now grown. “Not because I don’t like what I see, but because I DO like it.” I equate this to something we say often, God has given us the blessing and ability to move and to be active and to remain as such, why would we not use that blessing, when some others can only dream of being able to walk, to run, to be active.

In the personal development book, the author talked about being an “original”, “for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” We weren’t made to be a carbon copy of others, He designed us for greatness! So stop chasing other people’s dreams, they aren’t for you. Stop being who others want you to be, and live the life God has planned for you. Because, “no one can be a better version of you, than you.” I have always said, be you, be unique, break the norm! Life is more enjoyable when you live it out as yourself and stop trying to pleasing others.

I enjoyed reading 2 variations of messages based on the

Bible verse, both unique in their message. I don’t know if this verse or messages speak to you, but just know, that at the beginning and the end of every day, there is only one YOU. God has you here for a reason, a mission, a purpose.

Stop, listen, and than stand out in this noisy world. Take care of yourself in every way.

People need, YOU.

With Love,

Sources- Lifeway Journey Devotional, Blessed and Unstoppable by Billy Alsbrooks.


3 Responses

  1. I love that verse! I think the comparisons start to creep up for everyone and this verse helps keep me grounded for sure. Sometimes and somedays it is hard to see your purpose but it is always comforting that He knows. Thank you for sharing Brandy!

  2. I so love this blogg Brandy! It’s so true!! My pastor at church spoke some what about this. Not about body image but to stop focusing on what everyone else has or doing and put your focus on what God has for you!

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