Your marriage is what you make of it.


Too many of you are waiting for your spouse to do or be something they’re not before you will be “content” or “happy” in your marriage. You may even be blaming them for the problems in your marriage.

Here’s a little hint…

GROW UP and TAKE CHARGE of the success of your marriage!

It is not your spouses responsibility to make you happy but if you choose to do whatever it takes to make them happy, to SUPPORT them, to PROTECT them, to HONOR them… in other words, to LOVE them… you will bring out a side of them you may not have ever known!

Whoever told you that marriage is 50-50 is wrong. Whoever told you that marriage is 100-100 is wrong.

If you want your marriage to succeed and flourish, your marriage needs to be 100-0! YOU give 100% REGARDLESS of what your spouse gives back.

Do this and watch your marriage grow stronger than it has ever been because you will have brought out a greater love from yourself and your spouse.

#ItsTheMartins #MarriageTips

Coach Bryan

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