We Made Summit Happen

What do you do when you’re COMMITTED to something?? You register and book your hotel 1 year in advance neither knowing nor caring what’s on the schedule.

Our 1st trip to this event was in Las Vegas. We had a $10,000 home repair bill we HAD to pay. At first we cancelled, as most likely would, because it was an expense we had a hard time justifying. But, we realized that whether we stayed home or went to the event, the debt would still be there, BUT, if we WENT to the event, we MIGHT learn and apply what we learn and earn enough to pay it off.

Do you know what happened? We went… and in LESS than a year, we not only paid off the $10,000 bill, we also went on a couple extra vacations.

Since then, this event has become a NON-NEGOTIABLE thing for us. Does it cost us? YES! Do we earn that money back and THEN some because of it? ABSOLUTELY!

#IMadeSummitHappen because it is ESSENTIAL for us to be re-energized, bond with our team, and to polish up our skills in our business.
And next year, even though it will be in NEW ORLEANS, we will still get a hotel so we can BE there and IMMERSE ourselves in the experience!

You see, this is what we have learned it takes to be successful… surrounding yourself with the people who are successful!

My question for you… what are you investing in to accomplish what is important to YOU?
Join us and give us 30 days. We will show you the steps it takes to make it work… and if by then you believe it’s truly not for you… no problem… simply cancel, no harm or foul, and you’ve lost NOTHING!

So what’s holding you back?!

“Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located in the Coach Online Office for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.”

Coach Bryan

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