Through life's struggles come God's blessings

13 years ago, after only 6-7 months of being married, I found myself on the phone with my Sergeant at discovering that we were being deployed. We missed a lot of “firsts” as a merited couple… 1st Anniversary, 1st Christmas, 1st New Year… and others. I couldn’t be there for her when she was sad or dealing with tough times. And that for me was HARD. I was angry now and then, sad, depressed, and I missed her like mad.

Eventually, as I would always tell her, that time would end and we would be together again… and it did. At the time, however, it seemed like it would never end.

But we both kept going… we knew that tough times are not meant to last… they are meant to PASS. We learn what it is we need to from them and IF we allow them, they make us STRONGER.

Our marriage became stronger, closer, deeper… because we took the best out of that time and instead of being bitter, we became BETTER.

Whatever it is you’re going through, whatever challenge, whatever heartache, whatever seems like it will never stop… don’t stop moving… look for the lesson… pick your head up and look for the blessing… and eventually the clouds WILL clear and you WILL see the sun again!

My question for you… and please answer because I NEED that encouragement today as well… Will you keep going and keep looking up WITH me?! TAG 3 people who need to hear this today!


Coach Bryan

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