This was a topic of conversation in our team recently…

“When you start improving your life in ANY visible way… eventually someone is going to hate on you for it. They’re going judge you. They’re going to say you forgot where you came from. They’re going to say you think you’re better than everybody.”

You see, when you’re experiencing some sort of success, you have to understand that it comes with a mirror. In that mirror people will see one of two things:

  1. What they see that the CAN be and LOVE you!
  2. What they think that can’t be and HATE you!

Your success shows people their own possibilities and shortcomings all at the same time… but sadly most will choose to focus on their shortcomings and criticize you as judgmental, “holier-than-thou,” etc.

Ignore them and just smile… because you know your success is inspiring someone to finally make that change they never believed they could accomplish… and because of that, because of you… their life will NEVER be the same!

So keep up the fight!
Live 100% authentic!
Live your belief!
Live your purpose with PASSION!

And keep polishing your mirror to show and inspire people with what they can do! Do this well enough for long enough and watch how your life changes!


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