In today’s economy, there are two elements that are in play… those who create and those who “consume.” Most people are on the “consumer” side… they spend money, time, and effort on what others create.

The problem is… the more time spent on CONSUMING… the less time, money, and effort you have available. CREATING however, while it takes TIME, also creates INFLUENCE, creates INCOME… and if done WELL, creates more TIME.

Now what does that look like in life? For example…

Do you find yourself getting “caught up” in browsing social media… watching TikTok videos, Instagram or Facebook Reels, or soaking up hours of YouTube videos…

Do you realize that your spending time on what they created, those videos, helps them make money… sell their products or services, etc… but really does NOTHING for you other than entertain and end up wasting a LOT of time?

Brandy and I have created several businesses over the years. Not only do we find more FULFILLMENT in what we CREATE… the products, the services we provide, etc… but we also find more income. And what’s awesome is that our income LEVEL is only dictated by how much create and how WELL we create and provide it.

So today, I challenge you to think about what you can CREATE… what can you BRING TO THE WORLD… what can you SHOW the world… what will bring JOY to the world… what may make people smile or laugh… what may TEACH others… something that will SERVE and BLESS.

When you get BETTER at it… and do it LONG enough… it’ll bless enough people to COME BACK to you in more ways than a few!

Maybe you don’t know quite WHAT to create… or maybe you even think you HAVE nothing to provide or teach people or help people with that they would ACTUALLY pay you for. Honestly, we didn’t either at first. But what we did was EXPLORE the possibilities. We didn’t SHUT DOWN the thought that we knew something we could teach others… or that we could CREATE what people would enjoy.

And what those thoughts we created two pretty successful businesses!

If you would like help, let us know. We’d be happy to schedule a consultation call to help SPARK SOME IMAGINATION!!


Bryan – AKA “The Grumpy Vet”


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