Mark 9:14-29 talks about a young, demon boy whose father brought him to Jesus in hopes that he could help. Yet he still had a level of doubt. He said to Jesus, “if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.

Jesus responded by saying, “all things are possible for one who believes.” The man replied, “I believe; help my unbelief!”

So many of the major challenges in our lives are made infinitely bigger or smaller in direct relation to our level of believe. But did you know that even THAT, God wants to help and grow in us?

We grow our faith not only by our knowledge of the Bible and what it shows us of Him, but also as we obey Him and WITNESS His faithfulness, His power, His grace… Today, whatever challenge faces you, take a step in that direction. If He has called you to do something, to make a change that may be challenging or even HARD, to forgive someone, to start something new… take a step and trust… parting that every step He will increase your belief and show Himself to you.

I challenge you today to take a step… and see His faithfulness!

Coach Bryan

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