Our 21 day reset journey is over


Before pictures don’t define you

And after pictures don’t tell the whole story.
A picture is merely that, a picture.

It doesn’t define who we are and where we’re going.

It doesn’t say anything about the person you really are.

Before pictures simply show your imperfections and faults.

After pictures may show your progress, but they still don’t tell the whole story of how you feel now, how far you’ve come mentally, physically, emotionally.

It’s still simply a picture…

With that being said, you can see our results on the picture.

But the best results of all, is that we feel amazing, our energy is restored, we are more focused, and we are coming back stronger than we were.

Even if we didn’t have the number results we did, the fact that we feel great made these 21 days worth it.

Thanks for all who followed #themartinsreset. 👊🏼🍴❤️


Much Love,
The Martins
Follow us at FB.com/itsthemartins for more FUN!

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