Photo 28-06-2016, 2 16 12 PM


As I sat down today and reflected on this weekend at our leadership retreat, I had so much personal growth in just a short amount of time.

When you surround yourself with people who believe in you, who support you, who encourage you, lift you up, know your struggles, know your heart, and love you for who you are…. It’s simply beautiful and amazing.

No matter who or what I am, or who or what I’m not, it doesn’t matter…. I am me.

I am strong.

I am loved.

I am a leader.

I am a wife.

I am a child of God.

I am a daughter.

I am a sister.

I am a Nanny and an Aunt.

I am a friend.

I am amazing.


And… I am Enough!

Much Love <3,

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