As kids, we are all awesomely optimistic. We believe we can do anything. What happens to us that makes us eventually believe we can’t?

Somehow we let the world, “reality” as some people refer to it, dictate to us that we can’t accomplish our childhood dreams. We look at something and think, “the education is too expensive,” or “I’m just not smart enough or good enough to do that.” Instead of looking for a way to MAKE it happen, we buy into every way it can’t. And in MOST cases that’s just an excuse to not pursue what we know will be TOUGH… it will be WORK… it will take TIME… and it may not happen the EXACT way you envision it.

The “reality” comes in when we realize that there is no fantasy world. We have to WORK for what we truly want. We have to MAKE a way for it to happen. We have to SACRIFICE the short term satisfaction for the long term JOY!

We once thought we were STUCK in our careers… that we couldn’t change it, ever. But we are… and at 40.

We found what works for us by LOOKING and being open to what it would take. And now we are pursuing it with all we are worth.

If you’re not happy where you are, I challenge you to start dreaming again. Start seeking. And be OPEN to where life’s amazing opportunities can lead you, IF you let them!!


Coach Bryan

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