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We all have things in our life that have caused us hurt and great pain. But ultimately it is a choice to be enslaved by it or freed from it to be HAPPY and LIVE! It’s it always easy? Absolutely not! It can take a long time to move beyond life’s painful memories. But it can happen.
I once experienced a depression that had me dreading the morning and treasuring the night when I could escape to sleep. I had almost completely lost hope of ever being myself again when I was faced with a choice to pull the trigger and “escape” the nightmare or to move forward and claw and climb my way out of the bottomless pit I found myself in.
Choice is an amazing thing. It took time and it wasn’t easy, but I fought hard, received help, and a better, stronger version of ME again. Now I work alongside a company who’s goal is to help others become that “best version” of themselves… to find THEIR strength again… My question to you is this… What will YOUR choice be today? Make a change or stay the same…?
Coach Bryan
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