Photo 15-06-2016, 6 27 19 PM16 hour shifts.

12 hours shifts.

8 hour shifts.




Emergency shelters.

No raises.

Low pay.

No appreciation.

Just a number….

Can any other nurses or medical staff relate?

Don’t get me wrong, I loved nursing when I was allowed to ‘nurse’ and not just push more numbers through to meet quotas and other’s agendas.

In January 2016 I finally said I’ve had enough.

With the support of my awesome husband, I came home to work our health & fitness business full time.

Was it scary? Sure! But it was also exciting! And it still is.

I work for us now, I’m not just a number to someone, I’m a vital asset to our business.

I’m respected, and I’m happy.

I don’t know if you’re a nurse or in a career you despise, but you CAN change your life.

Believe in yourself, go after your big scary dreams, and never give up!

If you’d like to know more, I would love to talk with you.

You can email me at

Have a great day!!!

Much Love,
Brandy ❤️

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