
This picture may not look like much to you, but let me explain.

I got a phone call from a friend yesterday asking me to ride with her to an appointment today. She needed some support. I didn’t even have to hesitate with saying, yes of course I’ll be there!

This time last year, there’s no way I would have been able to take off work for something like this, I would have reluctantly had to say, no I’m sorry but I can’t. And it would have killed me.

But now, because I work for our business, because I am in control of my daily work and plans, I can finally say yes to spur of the moment plans for people who need me.

And that. That feels really good.

So you see, this road, is a road of freedom for me now. I can travel it as I choose, not as chosen for me.

I don’t know if freedom is something you desire, but if it is, let us help you start working on your road to freedom too.

Much Love <3,

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