How do I get motivated?

One of the most COMMON phrases we’ve heard over 11 years of coaching others in their health and fitness journey is, “I just don’t have the motivation.” What most MEAN is that they don’t “feel like” doing it… they’re not “excited” about putting in the work.

What most people don’t realize is that most worthwhile goals RARELY start out of that kind of motivation… or “feeling like it.” They start out of a REASON or as we call it, a strong WHY, and even a NEED to get something done.

Nothing truly begins with the absence of a good REASON or WHY! Then comes the PLAN. Then executing the plan. That’s where most people stall… because they rely on that “feeling” of “motivation” to START their plan.

This is where DISCIPLINE has to take over! When the “feeling” isn’t there, which is OFTEN… especially in the start. DISCIPLINE kicks in when motivation decides to not show up that day. DISCIPLINE is when you wake up early in the morning and your body says, “go back to sleep, it’s too cold outside, you’re too tired, just wait until tomorrow…” but you get up anyway…

DISCIPLINE makes your feet hit the cold floor and put on your workout clothes…
DISCIPLINE remembers that change only happens if you make it happen…
DISCIPLINE focuses on the result you WANT over the obstacles in front of you…
DISCIPLINE does one more rep when everyone else stops…
DISCIPLINE says the minimum isn’t going to get me there…
DISCIPLINE doesn’t take into account “feelings,” it just moves…

But here’s the BEST PART…
MOTIVATION DOES COME when the DISCIPLINE starts creating RESULTS! You just have to keep pulling that trigger… keep executing the plan… keep trusting that the plan will work… and keep believing you will get there… even when you don’t “feel like” it’s going to happen.

The excitement and high called “MOTIVATION” comes when you being to realize you CAN do this… that your work IS paying off… and you can now SEE the possibilities a little brighter!

Hang in there long enough and the fruit of your DISCIPLINE will result in MOTIVATION!

THAT is when the journey truly becomes EXCITING and POWERFUL!!


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