
Find Joy in the Journey…..

Another year, another tearless day!

For me, this is a huge feat. I have spent so many Mothers Days crying, balling my eyes out, depressed, feeling hopeless, lonely, like less of a person because I’ve never birthed a child.

I’m not sure what finally clicked or when, to pinpoint the exact day or the aha moment, I honestly couldn’t say.

I can say however, that I’ve become stronger over time, after many tear filled days, after much praying for acceptance, and through the unconditional love and support of Bryan, and my family and friends.

I can now laugh, cut up, (almost get thrown out of a plantation- another story for another day), and just be ME on this day! I’ve learned to find JOY in the journey, and simply be happy.

I am who I am, children or no.

And I am Enough.

With much Love,
Brandy 🙂

One response

  1. Children does not make a happy life or marriage , or anything else. You and Bryan have had, but, you both are putting God first, and in His time you will be rewarded according to His plan for you. Our family is better with you in it! YOU WILL BE REWARDED but only in HIS time. Much love, pam

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