When we stop to remember the things we are truly thankful for, it can totally change the direction of our week, our month, our year… OUR LIFE!

So much of the world today is focused on what’s wrong in the world. We forget that while the world does have a lot of horrible things happen, there are SO MANY GOOD THINGS going on too!

Be thankful for not just the “big” things, but, the “little” ones too.

Take joy in the things that you have today that if they were gone tomorrow would make you miss them.

Every day find at least three things you are thankful for.

Write them down.
Keep a list.

Make yourself do this for a few weeks and watch what happens! Your mind will begin to look for, out of habit, things to be thankful for… and you will begin to grow that ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE in your life that will change EVERYTHING for you.

Coach Bryan

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