Photo 16-06-2016, 3 19 45 PM

Shoutout to all my fellow Nurses!!


I have so much love, appreciation, and respect for you all because….

I know what you go through on a daily basis, I know the struggles, the joys, the tears, the pains, the lack of appreciation, the long hours, the missed holidays with loved ones, the overtime, the weekends spent taking care of others, working sick, working short staffed, being just a ‘number’ to upper management and not a person, and the list goes on….

I’ll always consider and call myself a nurse, because I still am…

But while I loved my jobs as a nurse in the beginning, I grew to resent it towards the end. It could have been the area I worked in, it could have been that I was going through a burnout, or it could have been that I found my passion for something else in life, something that I love while still getting to use my nursing background and knowledge.

In January, Bryan and I made a decision to bring me home, from a job that was making me physically ill and leaving me emotionally drained, to a ‘job’ of working on our passions and dreams for our business.

Now, I’m a health & fitness coach, with an emphasis on prevention and education, empowering people to make better choices and change their lives. What more could I ask for!

I don’t know if you love or hate your career at this point in your life.

All I know is, you’re never too old to make a change, and do something that brings you joy, something that you love.

I did! And I’m more than happy to show you how to do the same.

Much love,
Brandy 💗

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