Photo 13-06-2016, 3 44 46 PM

Have you ever felt ‘broken’?

I have, many many many times.

I messaged a friend one day a while back after I had a test done, because I was a little emotional, and I said to her that I am a ‘medical mess.’ To which she replied ‘no, you are a medical marvel!’ And I sat there and thought about that for a little while, and I said you know what?

All my organs may not work like they should, but it doesn’t make me different from anyone else.

I’m not less of a woman, I’m not less of a person!

I may feel broken, but people don’t break!

Toys break, the dishwasher breaks, a pencil breaks… But we don’t break…. We… Adjust!!

We pick ourselves up, and keep going.


Because we have to!

Life will go on with or without us, so will the people around you.

So ladies, if you’re out there and you feel broken, know that you are not alone in your journey.

My hope for you is that you realize, you are special, you are unique, and while you may feel broken, remember that YOU cannot break!

You are strong!


And you can do this!

Much love,

Brandy 💗

One response

  1. Sweethearts, God is not finished with you yet! Keep watching and waiting, because you will be rewarded!f

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