7 Tips to Never Quit Again


  1. Set meaningful goals.
    A lot of people go into it with a goal that is way too broad or way too vague. It’s not defined, it’s not specific enough to give them direction. It has to be something that you really value, something that’s meaningful to you.

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  1. Surround yourself with people on the same mission as you.
    One of the big keys to our success and everything we’ve done, both in our own health and fitness journey, and in our business, our life, and everything is really surrounding ourselves with people who are on the same mission as us. They have the same goals as us. We are all on that mission together, all on that same boat, we’re all on that same thing, that same journey, so we all know what each other is going through, so we support each other through it.


  1. Do what you love.
    If you are doing something just for the sake of doing it, you’re probably going to give up on it, because you’re probably going to get aggravated with it and bored, and it’s just not going to be something that you can maintain. So you have to find what you love.02 (1) (1)


  1. Schedule it.
    Put it on the schedule. When you got your goal, you’ve got your support system, and you’ve got your plan or your workout program, whatever it is that you’re going to do that you love, put it on a schedule and don’t allow yourself permission to deviate from that except in special circumstances. Sometimes it’s a hard thing sticking to that schedule, but that’s where that discipline comes in, but trust me, you put these steps in order, and you do them this way, you take these tips to heart, and you apply them, combined with that putting on a schedule, it helps making it stick to that schedule a little easier.

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  1. Celebrate the victories.
    Sometimes you get discouraged because It’s tough sometimes. It really, really is. So what you have to do along the way is what a lot of people forget, is to celebrate every little victory. Set yourself some benchmarks and find a way that’s meaningful for you to celebrate that victory, so you can enjoy the journey!
  1. Stay off the scales!
    If you are trying to lose weight, and even if you’re trying to gain muscle mass, stay off the scales! They are the single worst way of measuring your progress, ever. And will probably discourage you more than motivate you.
  1. Pay it forward
    What has helped Brandy and I over the last 4 years, maintain everything that we do – is lead others, help others do what we did. Once you figure out what works for you, once you figure out a system that you can follow that is working for you, and you start experiencing victories and success, pay it forward. You are being selfish if you’re not. We’ve been leading other people, we’ve been coaching other people, and we’ve been paying it forward and teaching other people what we did, so that they can do it too.

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We hope these tips have helped you, this is what we have used, bottom line, to succeed over the last 4 years, and that’s what we do. That’s what we have helped others, the systems that we teach others, so that they can succeed to. If this is something that interests you in learning how to do what we do and why we do it, and how you can do it too, email us, don’t wait.

Bryan & Brandy Martin

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