Brain Dumps and To Do Lists

Brain Dump

What is this? A brain dump is basically a ‘download’ of everything you are thinking about – things you need to do that day, phone calls you need to make, personal chores you need to take care of, things you need to remember to do later, projects you want to start working on… it could be anything!

Essentially, this becomes your To-Do List for the day.

5 Basic Steps for a Brain Dump and To-Do List:

1. Create it at the same time every day – When you do something at the same time every day, it becomes part of your routine – like brushing your teeth or walking the dog.  Make it a part of your every day routine to stay organized and get more done.


2. Keep it in the same place – Keep your To Do List on your smart phone, in a notebook, in a planner, etc. By keeping your list in the same location, you always know where to find it and can access it easily whenever you need it!  If your To Do List is on sticky notes scattered around your office or throughout the house, you will feel scattered, too.


3. Keep it with you at all times. – Since your To Do List is your place to do your “brain dump”, you’ll use it to record important things that come up as you go about your day.  If your To Do List is not with you, you have no place to write things down, and it becomes just one more thing you have to remember to do later.  Which let’s face it, how many times during the day do you ask yourself – ‘what was I supposed to remember later?’


4. Decide on 3 items that MUST get done today – Tackling three small tasks each day will provide you with accountability and by completing small, bite-sized tasks, you have a sense of accomplishment. If you have additional time to complete more items on your list, then go for it! But don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to get them all done that day.


5. Review and revisit your list several times per day. Checking your list frequently helps you stay focused and on task.   When you get distracted by the things around you, reverting back to your list will help you move from item to item more quickly.


Start practicing your daily brain dumps and to do lists today, and you’ll see it can actually be kind of fun to do, and you will get so much done! It can also be a GREAT way to “decompress” and get all those thoughts running around in there OUT of your head.

Coach Bryan & Brandy

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