Ahhhhhh the holiday season is upon us. We should be happy, joyful, and triumphant right?

‘So why do I feel like I’m missing some of this Christmas spirit and cheer that seems to come easy to most people around me?’

I don’t think there is a simple answer to that question, as we are all unique, we all have different life dynamics and stressors this time of year- be it money, health, illness, loss of a loved one, life events.
I do think, some can handle it better, some can let things go more easily, and there’s some people who can still smile through a blizzard.

We all handle the holidays differently, whether it’s to be angry, to be sad, or to be happy.

Goodness knows we’ve had our share of not so jolly holidays over the years- we’ve been through a deployment, through family illnesses, and through infertility treatments- all at the holidays, and now this year we have a new challenge- celebrating a first Christmas without a dear loved one that was a pillar in our family.

So how do you deal with this? The best answer I have, is- the best way you can.

I don’t know how we got through everything we’ve been through already, or how we will continue to get through life’s challenges, other than to say it’s by the grace of God, our faith, our family, and most importantly leaning on one another for love, support, understanding, sanity….

Don’t be so busy this holiday season that you neglect the people closest to you or forget the real reason for the holiday.
It’s not about gifts, about how much money you spend or how many toys you buy little Susie.

It’s about slowing down, making memories, getting out and enjoying the holiday season, spending time with people you love, and counting your blessings you have today. There’s so many people who love you, need you, and just want to be with you.

Choose to be fully present this year, choose to be in control of your emotions and how you think of the holidays, and simply choose JOY.

Wishing you all a HAPPY holiday season, full of love and memories and laughs and smiles.



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