
Most of the time it’s because we CHOOSE to let it!

Ouch! Strike a nerve? Good. Because that is what had to happen to ME to get up on my feet again.

The bottom line is that as difficult as it may be, we do have a choice in how we respond and react to a given situation. We can choose to let it knock us down and KEEP us down OR… we can get back up and even if we have to move forward limping… we can fight forward.

Today I found myself knocked down for a moment and while down the enemy inside my own mind began to kick me while down there. At that point it becomes difficult to get up again and the longer you stay down the harder it is to get on your feet as the damage builds.

But, as I like to say, I put the brakes on and stopped the downhill slide and the beating I was giving myself. I stopped and prayed for a minute. I made a mental list and wrote it down of the things I needed to do and then got to work. I also got in touch with my wife and explained briefly what I was going through. Just her knowing and responding was enough to snap me out of it and gave me the second wind to fight back.

Now I am in an amazing mood and ready to conquer the day!

BIG change requires a BIG effort!

But you DO have the power to make it happen! You just have to be willing to get back on your feet and fight back!

Coach Bryan

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