TIP #1- Avoid screens before bedtime.

Computers, Ipads, Tv’s, phones, Book readers, etc give off a blue spectrum of light, which triggers your body to produce more daytime hormones (cortisol) and disrupts your body’s sleep preparation.

2 hours of screen time before bed reduces your nightime release of melatonin which throws off your sleep cycle.

Fb, internet, TV, etc triggers dopamine release- your pleasure chemicals- and dopamine makes you alert and wired!

Turn off ALL screens 90 min before bedtime so your hormones normalize and get you ready for sleep.So yes- that includes the TV y’all!! I know I know, we are just as guilty as having ours on to ‘fall asleep’, but more often it’s just waking us up! So TV’s OFF in the bedroom!! 

Find a NEW nightime activity- PAPER BOOKS! Read, talk to your family, meditate, pray, etc

Turn OFF notifications on your phones so you aren’t constantly alerted to dings!

Use a ‘blue light blocker’ IF you have to be on your computer/phone screens at night. For MACS- there’s a free application called f.lux- Bryan said he can set something similar on his MAC without this.
Iphones- there’s a setting under display & brightness to turn on “night shift”.
Check your other devices for similar.

But again, its best to set a schedule and time to be OFF all your devices within a reasonable time BEFORE your bedtime.



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