TRUTH of the day- SCALES LIE!

As you start your health and fitness journey, don’t focus on the number on this piece of lying contraption!

Seriously. I know most people like to weigh themselves every day. Stop!! The scale tells you a number. That’s it. It’s NOT an accurate indicator of your results, or your hard work, or well you’ve cleaned up your nutrition.

If you want a more accurate measure of your progress, take measurements with a measuring tape! And, notice how you feel, how you look, how much more energy you have, how much more you can do with your kids, how your clothes fit… after a few weeks of being on your journey.

THOSE, are the better indicators and the ones that matter THE MOST.

Ladies- you especially are so hung up on that blasted number staring back at you. GET. OFF. THE. SCALE.

We tell people all the time- HIDE IT, THROW IT AWAY!!! We only want people to weigh before and after starting a new program. Everything in between, is a LIE! Stop tormenting yourselves!!! It only discourages you, makes you want to quit, or if you’re like me, throw it across the room.

So, step away from the scale, and know that YOU as a person are more important than this number.

Focus on the journey, not the number.



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