


So many lost so much in the flooding here in Louisiana. We hear from many still today who have lost everything and yet still realize that “they are just things.” However, what hurts for so many are the memories associated with those things. Homes they grew up in, picture albums of their childhood, awards won in school, things that were handed down through generations.

Those are what seem, for those people we talked to, to be the most challenging part of all this. It’s as if the memories, in a way, have been “washed away.” Memories, the experiences that cause them to become and stay memorable, the people who burn into our memories because of how they loved us and brought joy into our lives… this is what builds even more hope for the future.

I thank God so much for the people in my life that make me rich in memories… who add so much to me that I could never forget them… who love me and I love. Especially this woman… my best friend… my bride.

We have not been blessed with children which to this day still hurts now and then. But, we are living and creating memories with each other… becoming rich in real LIFE and LOVE.

Are you building memories with those in your life that no storm can wash away?

Coach Bryan

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