

Every weekend we decide what our meals for the week will be and we prep as much of it ahead of time as we can.

What does that mean?

Well that means if we know we are having brown rice with a meal, we cook a big pot of brown rice to last at least 5 days. Same thing with some other staples like quinoa, steel cut oats, beans, etc. Anything that can be easily rewarmed during the week.

Tip- if you cook a big pot of oatmeal, you can store it in the fridge, scoop out just what you need for each day, add a touch of water to the individual serving, and it microwaves perfect!

We also cut up fresh veggies and place them in ziplock bags, so we can grab and go. Some fruits can be cut ahead of time and placed in a Tupperware container as well. You can also buy pre-cut fruits and veggies if you are really pressed for time- just make sure nothing else is added in the containers or bags like other sugars, or preservatives.

Tip- if you like salads, buy the plastic containers of mixed greens vs the bags, I find the containers last longer and keep the greens fresh and crisp. We also put together small salads with shredded carrots and/or cucumbers to have with our lunch- keep these in plastic tupperware and it will stay fresh all week.

If we plan to eat chicken, we cook several chicken breasts at a time that will last about 3 days. I don’t like to keep chicken in the fridge for longer than that. Same thing with eggs- we boil enough eggs to last a few days and keep them in a bowl in the fridge.

Big pots of spaghetti or chili or soups can also be prepped and cooked ahead of time for meals during the week.
Snacks like almonds or nuts can be bagged in ziplock snack bags as well.

Pretty much anything that CAN be bagged up or put in individual containers, we do this ahead of time so it’s all ready when we need it.


The key is to prep as much ahead of time as can be done, so that your week is easier and you don’t have to think about it.


My biggest rule is, “Keep it simple and easy!” I don’t mind cooking but I also don’t want to be in the kitchen for hours at a time. So keep your recipes simple, don’t overcomplicate them.

Hope this helps everyone.

Your Coach,
Brandy 🙂




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