There’s a part of your mind that is designed to keep you away from “danger,” to “recognize threats,” to keep you out of situations that would challenge your “survival.” That’s a GOOD thing for us… AT TIMES!! It might have been good for us back in more primitive days when surviving the elements of nature that could and would kill us were a lot more challenging to navigate.

Unfortunately that VERY SAME THING is what can keep us from EVER doing what can COMPLETELY CHANGE our life. Why? How? Because the brain often doesn’t know the difference between what is ACTUALLY dangerous vs what we know is going to be DIFFICULT or CHALLENGING. It tries to convince you to “stick with what you know,” with what’s comfortable, what’s known. EVEN if what’s know and comfortable is not where you want to be… it’s more comfortable and known than something you’ve NEVER DONE BEFORE… like starting a new job or talking to that special someone for the first time about how you feel.

They both might SEEM scared and dangerous, but come on… really? I DOUBT that if you confess your feelings to someone they’re not going to turn around and “take you out.” If so, we need to re-evaluate your standards of attraction here.

Seriously though, it’s what almost prevented me from asking out this AMAZING woman I’ve been married to for over 20 years… in FACT, it almost stopped me from saying HI for the first time. It’s what almost stopped us from even STARTING the path to regain our health and fitness. It’s what has tried over and over again to kill our business that has given us SOO much freedom.

The GREATER the change… the GREATER the challenge… the GREATER the potential for your mind to come up with EVERY way to “get out of it.” Why? Because again, your mind wants to keep you out of “harm” or “danger” or even “uncomfortable”… and challenging situations “threaten” that comfort zone.

But here’s a not so well known or applied secret that can CHANGE EVERYTHING. IF you simply START acting on your goals and dreams… those deceiving thoughts that TRY to stop you WILL start to die down as you see that “it’s not so bad,” as you start to see that you CAN actually do the simple small things daily… as you see that you CAN follow your plan.

And once you’ve pursued that goal long enough, followed that plan long enough… you’ll start to create a new “normal.” A new set of “standards” that you follow. You won’t just be, for example, that person who is trying to workout and lose weight… you’ll be that healthy and fit person who just does what he or she does. What’s the difference between the two.

One is TRYING, the other is BEING… because their new “normal” is BEING HEALTHY AND FIT. THAT’S their new standard for themselves.

THAT is when things start getting exciting!!!

So today, let’s focus on #CreatingANewNormal!!

More to come so STAY TUNED!


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