Habits….Photo 15-06-2016, 5 29 03 PM

How do you start your day?

When we start our day with habits and a routine, the morning flows better…

The mornings that we don’t are few and far between but we can tell the difference in our mindset and how the day progresses when we skip the routine.

Here are some of our daily habits-

  1. 430am wakeup with NO snooze. Yes, some mornings that’s hard! 
  2. Read something in our Bible, quiet time with God.
  3. 530am workout together at home. 
  4. Get breakfast ready, shower, and get dressed for the day.
  5. A daily devotional or faith based book.
  6. A daily ‘brain dump’ every morning in a planner. 
  7. A daily entry in a gratitude journal. 
  8. Read or listen to a few pages in our current Personal Development book.
  9. Breakfast, and coffee- very important! 

When we roll out the bed in the mornings, we fix our preworkout then sit quietly with our Bibles. Why? Because if you start your day checking emails, watching the news, or reading the FB newsfeed, your day is almost 99% of the time going to start off wrong, you’ll be aggravated with something you read or hear, and it starts your day in a foul mood. You have to learn to protect your mindset BEFORE you start your day. Some things you are exposed to over your day can’t be avoided, but the things you CAN control, you should. Again- start your day with something positive and uplifting, and see how your life can change every morning!

The things listed above are things that we start our day with for the last 11 years, some we alternate in based on time. You don’t have to do all or any of these if they don’t apply to your life, but we’re pretty sure some of these can apply to almost everyone in some way.

Try to establish some of these habits this week and let us know if it helps you! And just remember, the more consistently you do these every morning, the easier it will become!

Much Love,

The Martins

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