The Choice To Change

Before After

Some people think they just can not change their health or appearance without something as extreme as surgery or expensive monthly mail-order meals.

They’re wrong…

It all starts with a choice…

I was always in shape throughout high school and most of college because I stayed active, very active.  Baseball during school and summer, volleyball in the heat on the weekends, the occasional football game, jogging in 90+ degree weather, martial arts, etc., kept me going strong and with great metabolism.  It was nothing for me to eat a huge bowl of ice cream and chocolate syrup and gain nothing.  I ate whatever I wanted and still ran strong and stayed slim and trim.

I eventually joined the real world where I found my health began to go downhill a bit in every way.  Poor nutrition, limited activity, and at times bouts with serious depression, all started me down the unhealthy path.  Working in Information Technology found me sitting in front of a computer most of the day where the food I was eating began to accumulate in my midsection in not-so-pretty ways.  Easy food became the easy choice.

I was deployed in 2003 to Afghanistan and trimmed down a bit as working out was one of the only things we had to do for fun and entertainment.  We were blessed to be able to construct a new gym and had a ton of really good equipment where we would workout every day after work.  I got to 165 lbs of good lean muscle during that time. But, my eating habits were still not good at all, eating whatever and whenever I wanted.  The sheer amount of activity in the climate I was in, on top of the weight training, kept me lean.


However, when I got home the workout habit never took a solid hold again and I got up to the 180’s in weight. Ups and downs plagued my path for years until finally I gave up trying.  Not long after, I went up to my heaviest at 189 lbs.  I could see NO solution and had more or less given up.

Reality of my family’s history of heart issues began to worry me along with the size of my gut.  My wife began being unhappy with her weight and fitness as well, so we said enough is enough.

We made the choice…

It became important enough to us to DO something about it.

Bryan June of 2011 Bryan Before Beginning Insanity October 2011 Bryan June 2011

We began to do a little of our own workouts and making small changes in our eating habits.  We lost a little weight doing this and eventually came across Beachbody, the company responsible for programs like Insanity, created by Shaun T, and the Power 90 and P90X series by Tony Horton.  I had thought about doing Insanity, but, never purchased it.  My wife approached me one day and said, “I think I want to do Insanity.”  A little surprised I agreed.  Well, that’s where it started and almost a year later it has not stopped.  Piece by piece, day by day, little by little… we put our physical lives and health back together.

I did not start off knowing all the answers or how the end results would look.  I started as a guy who was 189 lbs, tired all the time, headaches at least 3 times per week, neck and shoulder problems, gut rolling over my belt…

to a guy who is now, by the grace and love of my Savior Jesus Christ and His placing me in this great system, a guy who has

Almost NO headaches, seldom any neck or shoulder pain, energy to go play out in the yard with my two high energy dogs, running obstacle races in the mud, can actually SEE my abs again, and 160 lbs of lean muscle.

Did it come easy?  No.  Did it come fast?  NO.  Did I “get it” all at once… absolutely not!

Through consistent work, patience, and learning about good nutrition… I started seeing changes in the mirror I could be proud of and can’t express the feeling that gave me to be back in control of my health and physical condition.


I want to encourage you that this is possible for you.  If you would like to change your health and physical shape, trust me, it can be done.  All you have to do is DECIDE to start, COMMIT to the path you choose, and you will SUCCEED!  Let us help you find what works for YOU… something you will enjoy!  

We have a formula for success here at Beachbody that has worked, and is working, for so many people. 


Here’s how it works.  Beachbody has a myriad of fitness programs that, by themselves, will help your body to become stronger, faster, leaner, and more flexible.  However, that’s only a portion of the bigger picture.  The next part, nutrition, is even more important as it will not only help your body function better, which means better health and energy, it will help you look and feel better just as the workouts will.  These two are a powerful combination that WILL get you where you want to go.  However, we go a step farther by adding support.  That support comes in the form of small groups which meet on Facebook to share motivation and accountability to help push you the get the


All three of these together are a system that has been proven over and over again to achieve max results… IF you will apply it!

If you would like to learn more about how you can lose weight, a little or a lot… how you can become more healthy and fit… how you can change your life for the better…  Get with us now and we, and others who’ve gone before you, WILL help you every step of the way.  If you’re willing, we can help you find the way to get where you want to go.  We also ask that you share this story with others by clicking the Facebook LIKE button or forwarding my story on to others who might need this system to help them.  Join us as we work to “end the trend of obesity” and degrading health in our country and in our world.

8 Responses

  1. I love this so much, because I’ve been trying to get my sweetheart involved in fitness with me! He’s dabbling in !0-Minute Trainer and just started drinking his Shakeology every day….baby steps!

  2. Oops…commented on the FB post. But awesome story! I thought you’d always been all buffed out! Very inspiring. 🙂

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