If you are what I call an “over-thinker,” you KNOW the hell that can live inside your head… how the smallest of thoughts can almost torture you and making what should be a simple decision can become almost impossible.

Many see us as indecisive and lose patience as they just want us to “make a decision.” But, for many of us, it’s not always that easy.

The problem comes in when we see so many more possibilities for outcome and all the different “variables” in the equation. While this particular way of thinking can help in the technical world, it can make things difficult in all other areas of life.

I am a recovering “over-thinker!” Lol, I know that sounds odd. But, there are many great lessons I’ve learned as an entrepreneur building his own business that have helped me in my personal life as well. In fact it’s in developing my personal life that my business life has begun to flourish.

What I have learned that is so greatly helping me is that it’s OK to fail… that I don’t have to “get it right” every time… that sometimes, to hit a “home run,” you have to hit if you foul balls.

Make and KEEP the possibilities BASIC… Involve those you trust to help provide clarity on bigger decisions of life… and then make the decision. When you do, don’t fear the outcome… because even if it’s not what you expected, you can always learn, adjust, and try again.


Coach Bryan

4 Responses

  1. I AM an over thinker. I’ve gotten better over the past couple of years but admittedly, there are times when it gets out of control. I find that taking a deep breath and saying a prayer is the best way to calm myself and then be reasonable in my thoughts.

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