

Seriously there aren’t.
You have to put the work in.
You have to eat right.
You have to find the time.
You have to make the time if you can’t find it.
You can’t expect results if you’re not doing the work.
There’s no one stop solution for all.




Are your goals realistic?
What are you working for?
Why do you want it?
Why do you want to be the same weight as you were at age 18?
You’re not 18 anymore.

Just be healthy, lose some weight if you have some to lose, eat better, move more, smile more, laugh more, just be happy!

I workout for ME.
I workout to stay healthy and fit and to have energy and to be able to do anything I want to try or do.
I workout to prevent diseases and to not be a burden to anyone.
I workout to be well and healthy for my husband and family.

I’m doing this for US!
NO shortcuts here. Just HARD WORK!

Just. DO. It!
Brandy 🙂

Ready to put the work in? Email me- brandy@itsthemartins.com


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