A year ago I made one of the best decisions of my life. I decided to get off my lazy butt, get moving and eat better!

I remember sitting in my bed after trying to find a pair of jeans that fit me. Well sad to say they were all too tight. I sat there and said out loud, “this is ridiculous!” Have you ever felt that way or been there? At that moment, I decided right then and there to change my life. I chose not to go on a ‘diet’ but to make a lifestyle change. I chose not to pop a pill every day or sprinkle some magic dust on my food. I chose to start exercising and make better nutrition choices.

For 60 days, I ran, I walked, I did some Wii dance, and some other random exercises on my own. I stopped shoving everything in my mouth that was in front of me. And guess what happened? I lost 15 pounds in 60 days!

Then I started getting bored. I knew if I didn’t do something to challenge me, I would be right back where I started- fat, lazy, and unmotivated. So I talked to my friend and Beachbody Coach Adrienne. She talked to me about Insanity, which initially I thought was, well, insane! But I said why not! I can do it, it looks fun! And it will definitely be a good challenge from watching the infomercials.

So I ordered Insanity and a couple weeks later decided to become a coach myself to help and encourage other people and get them started just as my coach had done for me.

So what happened next? I did Insanity of course! I committed to finishing it no matter how hard it was or how much I wanted to give up. And 60 days later I finished it! I lost 6.7 more pounds and I lost 10.9 total inches. I was in the best cardio shape of my life and I felt awesome! Oh and I also drank Shakeology every day! It was the best decision I made for myself and my own health.

Now, this was only the beginning for me and my story certainly doesn’t end here. I have so much more to tell, but for the rest of the story you’ll have to come back another day. Meanwhile, if you’re already working out, good for you! If you’re not and you’re ready to get started, I’m ready to help!

Here is my personal before and after for you all to see!

If you’d like to chat about how you can do what I did, email me at: CoachBrandy@itsthemartins.com

Find me on Facebook.

Brandy 🙂


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