So this week we are on vacation, a much needed restful vacation in the North Georgia Mountains.20121023-142231.jpg

We’ve had a tough year, several family deaths, several unexpected expenses including one very big house repair, and of course all the usual daily life happenings and stress in general.

It’s been tough but we’ve made it. We questioned whether or not to even take this trip. But in the big scheme of life, we know we needed this break from home, work, and life in general. Not to mention its our 10 year anniversary and that only comes around once!20121023-142340.jpg

So here we are, relaxing and chilling in the peace and quiet of the mountains at our most wonderful cabin.


Now, I totally packed some of our workout dvd’s and planned to do them. Have we? I’ll be honest, we did a few today but otherwise we haven’t stuck to a schedule like we do at home. It’s not that I haven’t thought about it or wanted to. But I’m using this time to rest and take a mini break.

Do I feel guilty for not working out? Maybe a little, but I also know that I am on vacation and I need this time to reboot. So I’m not stressing out about it or beating myself up over it. We did do some hiking, we used some resistance bands one day, we’ve done some walking around town, and some crunches and pushups. So we haven’t slacked completely! And today we threw in some Fast & Furious, Hip Hop Abs 5 minute buns, and Rev Abs Mercy Abs.














So what I’m saying is this: sometimes you need to rest and refuel, be it while on vacation or at home. Don’t get down on yourself for not working out. Plan your week or time of rest, but also plan your restart date! Have a set date planned to start back on your exercise regimen so that you know you have to get back on track- no excuses. Mark it on your calendar or program in your phone, and know that you must start on that day!

Hope everyone is doing well! Come by and visit our website for more info on some great upcoming challenges you may want to get in on: We’ll be home soon, but for now, I will keep relaxing!

Coach Brandy 🙂




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