I grew up in a small town in Louisiana, about 15 minutes from New Orleans. We all know what Louisiana is known for right? Well, besides the French Quarter, Mardi Gras, Who Dat Saints, and numerous other things, we are known for our FOOD! And I hate to say it, but it’s not exactly healthy food!

Every recipe calls for a block of butter, a cup of whole milk, a can of condensed milk, bacon fat or lard, a roux, and salt- just to name a few.

You know the saying you ‘eat to live’? Well down here it’s we ‘live to eat’. Every occasion, special or otherwise, starts with food and ends with food. So much food you could feed a small army! You’re always told by someone, ‘there’s plenty more’, ‘go get you some seconds’, ‘have another bite’, or ‘y’all ready for dessert and coffee now?’ This is the way we’ve been programmed and raised down in the South.

We are famous for our gumbos, creole anything, king cakes, beignets, po’ boys, and seafood out the wazoo! Its part of our heritage, our living, our way of life. If you’ve ever come to south Louisiana, you know what I mean! You’ve experienced some if not all of these ‘delicacies’ and they are indeed GOOD! Not necessarily good for you, but good!


Eating in Louisiana is social too. Who doesn’t enjoy getting together with a group of friends or family for a seafood boil, a crawfish boil, or a gumbo cook off! We get together to eat down here! And we love it!

Crawfish Boil


But, it doesn’t love us back! Our waistlines are too big, our bellies are bulging, we have high cholesterol, Diabetes, heart disease, and in 2011 we ranked the 5th most obese state. Pretty sad huh?

So how does one live down here and NOT eat all this good food? It’s HARD! And you may be wondering if I still indulge in some of these yummy foods? And the answer is…Absolutely! BUT, I do NOT overindulge or gorge myself on them anymore, nor do I eat them very often. I still LOVE the food down here, but I don’t crave it as much as I used to when I was eating unhealthy.

And of course the key with anything is moderation. Just because it’s there or in front of me doesn’t mean I have to eat it, nor do I have to have seconds…or thirds! I eat a reasonable portion of it, and I’m good. And I don’t feel pressured to eat anything I don’t want to eat now. If there’s a choice between fried fish or a grilled chicken salad, 9 out of 10 times I will have the salad. Why? Because that’s what I choose, plain and simple.

So, make better choices. EAT TO LIVE, don’t live to eat! 

I’d love to hear back from y’all! Please email me at: CoachBrandy@itsthemartins.com


9 Responses

  1. Great blog brandy….so much harder when surrounded with unhealthy food and when every occassion is celebrated with food!

  2. Brandy, I think the food can still be enjoyed. It’s all about moderation! Sadly, society is all about how much we can have or get rather than just what we need.

    Now I’m wishing I had my trip back home (near New Orleans) scheduled as I’m craving some of those dishes.

  3. Being from Western PA, I am also used to having all family occasions revolve around food. We are more into the baked goods, which is my weakness. Thanks for the reminder that of “everything in moderation”!

  4. Such good reading. We all need to practice some discipline and eat a little differently than we did as kids. Once you get it, your whole life changes! Thanks for a great blog post!

  5. It can definitely be hard to eat differently than those around you. Whether that means making different food choices or just eating less, sometimes others try to pressure you to eat like you used to. It can take great resolve not to give in. Thank you for your post and encouragement.

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