Phase 3 is our last week of the reset. The homestretch!

Day 15- first day of the last phase and we are happy. This phase does away with the grains, but you can add it back in as an optional snack if needed. So we will see how it goes. We are still enjoying the fruit every morning and vegan Shakeology as our afternoon snack.


Day 16- our lunches and dinners will probably be the same most days this phase. Salads and sweet potato for lunch, and for dinner either garlic veggies or Asian stir fry with tempeh and miso soup.
I have noticed a headache today, not bad but just a throbbing. Maybe from the lack of grains. We will see how it continues.


Day 17- not much new to report today. Eating fruits and vegetables out the wazoo. Getting some mild headaches during this phase.


Day 18- one of the hardest parts about the reset has been planning it around life. For example, today we had church and then visiting with family after. We skipped lunch with the family and ate at home to stay on track. But we basically pack our supplements and a gallon of distilled water any time we go anywhere. Always be prepared. I noticed a headache again today.


Day 19- we are definitely getting antsy to be done with the reset. The food has been delicious and we plan to keep a lot of the recipes. But we’re wanting to start working out soon and add some of our regular foods back in.
We added 1/4 cup brown rice to supper again tonight. We didn’t get a headache today so maybe that’s helping.


Day 20- one more day after today! Beyond excited! We are missing certain foods like our Ezekiel bread and eggs and oats! Felt pretty hungry today.


Day 21!!!!

WE DID IT!!! Results coming soon!


If you’d like more info, let us know!








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