This is our Phase 2 report on The Ultimate Reset:

Day 8- we are feeling great, energy levels are up and we get to eat some new foods this week!
We did start a new supplement today- detox. It’s definitely interesting, gritty and lemony. We will continue the green alkalinize, oxygenize drops, and optimize capsules.

Breakfast is now 3 cups of fruit for the next 2 weeks. We both agree that fruit never tasted so sweet to us as it does now!20130903-144344.jpg

Day 9- really not a lot new to report. We are still going strong. We haven’t had any cheats and we are following the reset as outlined! I’m craving coffee but that’s about all.


Day 10- we made another Whole Foods trip to stock up for the rest of the reset. If you’ve never been there, it’s like a whole new world! We had a long day so we are a little tired today, but otherwise energy is still up!

We had an amazing new recipe tonight for supper- acorn squash with a sesame garlic tahini filling. Wow! That was so amazing!! That recipe will definitely be a keeper!


Day 11- we both feel a little tired today for some reason, but not drained or exhausted like we used to feel. Otherwise we are now half way done and going strong! Starting to get a little antsy to workout!

We had another new recipe for lunch- a coconut acorn squash tahini soup. It was rich and creamy and delicious!!!!!20130903-213502.jpg

Day 12- I had a little bit of a headache today, felt kinda ‘off’, stomach was a little upset as well. Still detoxing with supplements 3 times a day. We are both still a little tired today as well. We are trying to get to bed fairly early in the evenings so we can get all the rest we need.

We had an edamame and corn succotash for dinner tonight and it was amazing!


Day 13- Today was the first meal we had that we really didn’t care for, and that was the sweet potato red pepper bisque. It doesn’t taste bad, we just didn’t care for it. I think I didn’t chop the ginger fine enough so it gave a strong ginger taste to the soup.


Day 14- I woke up feeling kind cranky! I think because I didn’t care for supper last night and I still felt hungry after. So I woke up starving this morning! And we ran out of cucumbers! So before I could eat my lunch today I had to run to the store. Always be prepared and look ahead to recipes.


Today is the last day of phase 2! We have just 7 days left! We got this!


Thoughts: We feel better overall so far, we have more energy, wake up feeling rested and ready to get the day started. We don’t get sleepy in the afternoons after lunch anymore. I used to rely on coffee to wake me up after lunch, but I haven’t had coffee since before the reset and I feel good without it. The reset isn’t hard, you just have to look ahead and prep what you can. Always take your supplements with you and a jug of water. Plan out your meals and supplements if you will be out the house so you can time everything correctly. We do feel hungry some days, and some days we feel ok. We had been eating a good bit more calories than we are now, so it’s been an adjustment, but not bad. We are looking forward to the final results and plan to see this to the end!

Results:  after Phase 1 &2:



If you would like any additional information, please email us at ClientCare@itsthemartins.com

Your Coaches,

Brandy & Bryan




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