It can be so hard to stay on a routine or on schedule of a […]
How do I get motivated?
One of the most COMMON phrases we’ve heard over 11 years of coaching others in their […]
Most of the time it’s because we CHOOSE to let it! Ouch! Strike a nerve? Good. […]
Ever meet that one individual who just meets you every day with a scowl like they’re […]
No one can control your mind, your day, your thoughts unless you give them that control. […]
Workout with your spouse… it’s fun, it’s stress relief, it makes you feel better about yourself, […]
  MEMORIES… So many lost so much in the flooding here in Louisiana. We hear from […]
“Many people never see God’s miracles in their lives because their feet are planted firmly on […]
My memories of Hurricane Katrina 11 years ago are different from most probably. I was working […]
After 5.5 years I’ve realized I’ve built a health/fitness company all wrong… I, well, WE, have […]
Take it from a “recovering perfectionist…” If you wait for perfect… time, situation, circumstances… you increase […]
We talk to SO many people who’s spouse or significant others don’t support their goals to […]
“Your business is right where it deserves to be.” ~ Jimmy Nelson Many of the things […]
Honestly, it was never a very “complicated” thing. We simply worked on bettering ourselves every day […]
While I’ll be the first to admit my efforts aren’t as good as they should be, […]