I completed Body Beast on 9/30/12!

 So now that I am done with “the BEAST”, alot of people are asking me now what?

Well, first things first, I took a few days break! My body was screaming for one. And just as I tell my challengers, always listen to your body!! We have been going strong with our workouts for about a year now with no real breaks, so it was time for one.

I slept in for 2 days, that was great! Then I did the Insanity Cardio Recovery dvd, also felt great! Then I did X2 Recovery and Mobility foam rolling….. ahhhhhh, that felt AWESOME!

Now it’s Saturday, about a week after completing Body Beast and I was itching to do something yesterday and today, so I threw in Hip Hop Abs (HHA)  and rocked out to some Shaun T! I miss my cardio and I love Shaun T… so, I think I will stick with HHA for now and maybe still throw in some weights! I did 2 weeks of it before we started Body Beast and was having a blast. The music is fun, it’s upbeat and funky, Shaun T is a trip, and I like to dance. So it’s a win/win-  great cardio while working my abs!


Now, what was Body Beast like from a ladie’s perspective? Well, it was great! I enjoyed working with the weights, I increased the weights I used from 5-10-12-15#  to 10-12-15-20-25#. So I’m pretty happy with how I did. I can’t complain much about my results either….. I am more toned and I feel so much stronger than before. I love my arms and shoulders. Everyone else seems to love my “quadzilla” thighs as I call them, I’m still deciding…. haha. Bryan’s results were great… as you can see!




Now for this program we followed the nutrition guide. We planned out our meals a week in advance and shopped in advance. The meal plan was a little different than the other programs we’ve done, so it took some getting used to and took a while to plan the week out, but we got it figured out and did it. The recipes were easy and tasty. The hardest part for me personally was the last phase, which requires a lot of protein and barely any carbs. I felt drained and run down the last 3 weeks so I ended up adding a little more carbs back in so I could finish up.

So ladies if you’re thinking about doing Body Beast but have more questions, please feel free to email me at CoachBrandy@itsthemartins.com. I’d love to hear from you! And guys, if you want some mucsle mass with a home program, this is for you! Join our challenge group today to get started!!


As Sagi the trainer of Body Beast would say: BEAST UP and WHATEVER IT TAKES!

Coach Brandy 🙂



4 Responses

  1. Love this! I’m ordering Body Beast myself in January so I can start it in mid-Feb. Can’t wait! Chris is interested in doing it together. 🙂

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