TIP #10- Calm the inner chatter and stay asleep

We all have “inner chatter’ or crap going thru our heads when we lay down. It’s life. Meditation and deep breathing exercises can help!

Meditation has health benefits and can treat insomnia. It can lower stress hormones and inflammation in your body, lower blood pressure and reduce risk of heart attack and stroke! Hellllo meditation!

A 2 month study of people who meditated showed increase sleep time, quality, and decreased depression.

Practice purposeful deep breathing several times a day, this is connected to relaxation and control, vs how we typically breathe- short and shallow which is connected to stress and anxiety!

Practice meditation at night right before bedtime, but not IN your bed. Again, bed= sleep, and sex, or just sleep. 
Also 5-10 min to start your day will help as well.

Use some guided meditations, there some apps that help some people, we use some on our online workout channel and they are really relaxing.

If you wakeup middle of the night, sometimes it’s abnormal hormone cycles, or low blood sugar, but lots of times stress. So keep meditating and practicing deep breathing throughout the day.

The book suggest, if you wakeup during the night, if you think you can lay there and get back to sleep, stay in bed. If you think you can’t, don’t create a negative association with your sleep environment- get out the bed and read, journal, pray, etc until you feel sleepy to crawl back in bed. (NO TV or electronics!!) Hopefully by meditating more, you won’t experience this much longer 



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