“Face your fears and overcome them…”

I’ve heard it said over the years… I’ve preached it over the years… and I’ve lived by it over the years. Every fear I’ve had, I’ve faced it head on and looked it in the eye to overcome it…

The thing is… most people teach and preach to “overcome” fear… that fear is created in the mind and it can be destroyed there… heck I teach that. But, I’ve come to learn that there are two sides of dealing with fear… there is OVERCOMING fear and EMBRACING it.

So which is it? Sometimes, it’s both

Sometimes overcoming fear is all about letting it PUSH you to become something… something “more…”

Every fear that I’ve had… of failure, of judgement, of being inadequate, of being looked down on, of rejection… I found myself pushing HARDER… working harder at BECOMING BETTERPREPARING more diligentlyPRACTICING more oftenSTUDYING with more focus

I didn’t WANT to experience these things so I gave MORE of myself so that I would see less of it.

Now understand… failure, rejection, judgement… all the things that can cause fear are going to come… but when you learn from it and grow through it… you become something more. And as you become morethe fear of it will no longer matter.

And THAT my friends… is being FEARLESS!


2 Responses

  1. I’ve always been so afraid of being laughed at and looked down on. I’m learning now that it’s ok to jump in feet first and that being brave can be so rewarding. You guys have been awesome leaders, thank you!

    • Thank you SO much Sabrina for your compliment and for reading! And yes, you’re right… sometimes jumping in despite our fears can prove to be a bit painful… but sometimes, it can be IMMENSELY REWARDING!! From the greatest risks can come the greatest rewards!
      Coach Bryan – Facebook.com/ItsTheMartins

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