Yes that’s right! I’ve challenged myself to do something crazy! In a prior blog, I said when I get bored and don’t want to wake up in the mornings to workout anymore, I know it’s time to do something different!

Sooooo, about 2 weeks ago or so I decided, it’s time! Now, I already had plans to do this anyway with some friends, but I’ve upped my own personal challenge! I’ve challenged myself to do 30 days of Insanity. Now some of you may be thinking ‘well that’s not a challenge for her.’ I promise you IT IS!

It’s been a year since I’ve done Insanity! I’ve been doing other programs since then, but there is nooooo other cardio program like Insanity! So for me to do this for the next 30 days, it’s my personal challenge to myself! Of course, I have an even BIGGER challenge coming up, and that’s why I’m pushing myself to do this!

On March 25th, I am entering The Asylum!


Noooooo, not the crazy house! Though some days some would probably say I’d fit right in 🙂

I am going to be doing Insanity Asylum Volume 1. Why? Because I love the challenge of it!!! Have you seen the previews? Hello! Talk about nuts!
And I cannot wait!!!!!!!

So follow my journey from Insanity now to The Asylum later! And hey! If anyone wants to join me, there’s always room for one moreeeeeeee…….. Muahhahahahahhahaha!







Your Coach,

Brandy 🙂



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