Photo 16-06-2016, 2 35 45 PM


Monday, that dreaded day of the week for so many… but let me share with you what has worked for me to make Monday a better day!


1.) I am dreaming BIG and working toward a goal that is important to me and Brandy. I’m working on my plan, and keeping my eye on the prize. Working on something “bigger” than your current situation keeps things in perspective.


2.) I find something GOOD to look forward to about every day. Monday is my “fresh start.” Every other weekday has its own “fun” thing.


3.) I schedule some “fun time” every weekend to do something I enjoy doing. It may be target practice, riding our 4-wheeler, enjoying some movie-time with my girl and the dogs, it may even be just sitting down and playing a few fun games on my phone or computer for a bit.


Coach Bryan


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