Starting Your Day off RIGHT!

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Where your focus goes energy flows – Tony Robbins.

One of my favorite quotes when it comes to “gettin’ your MIND RIGHT” that I’ve ever heard. It’s the simple things that tend to stick. And while this is simple… it’s holds a MASSIVE concept that can change it all for a person’s life if they’d truly grasp it.

If you’re anything like us… when that alarm goes off in the morning, if we don’t get up and moving before our minds have a chance to realize how tired our bodies are feeling… we’re IN TROUBLE. We have to move our BUTT before our MIND meets up with it and it all turns to crap. YOU KNOW what I’m talking about too.

You wake up and just lay there for a minute… and then thoughts of the upcoming day, the problems you’ve got to fix, the people you have to work with, it’s cold outside and my truck heater isn’t working right, my phones gonna start ringing off the hook, people don’t listen… yada yada yada… it’s gonna be another CRAP-TASTIC day!!”

Well, you know what, it probably is! Not because of the things that may or may not go your way, but because you’ve already chosen that today is just gonna suck. You’re so “tuned in” to all the bad you THINK is gonna happen that that will now be how interpret EVERYTHING that day. You’ll see the “bad” where it isn’t because when you look through crap-colored glasses, well…

For MOST of us, if we don’t ATTACK our thoughts before they ATTACK us… and they will especially first thing in the morning when you’re comfy and tired and just don’t want to get out bed… we’re TOAST.

One of the most valuable assets we have is our attitude… how we choose to view each day, the lenses we put on to see the world. And what controls our ATTITUDE are the thoughts we give the MOST TIME to. You know the saying, “if you have two dogs of equal size, strength, speed… who’s gonna win. The one you FEED the most.”

So how do you FEED THE RIGHT ATTITUDE… how do you POLISH THE RIGHT LENSE to see the world through? By FEEDING THE RIGHT DOG in the fight FIRST THING in your day. Often times, the biggest difference between those who succeed  in life and are happy in life, and those who are not, is how quickly they rebound from setbacks, and how they set and start their day off.

Tomorrow, when your alarm goes off… you need to have a plan in place, a battle plan, to attack your thoughts and form your mindset

Here are a few tips:

  • As soon as your alarm goes off, let your feet hit the floor, FAST!
    • Don’t give your head time to start talking you out of it
  • Have some motivating MUSIC, your favorite inspirational song or YouTube video ready to play
    • We suggest a favorite hymn, a short sermon, whatever will start your mind in a positive frame

So when somebody taught me this concept, I started applying it, and it started making a huge difference because I made that determined choice first thing in the morning to look at things in the right light.

Your attitude is your most important asset throughout the day to keep you focused and going in the right direction, because when you have a great, positive attitude, you feel like being creative, productive, and you just get things done.

03 (2) (2)Coach Bryan


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