Motivation is a tool on the belt of the successful, but, it’s not the only one! There is something FAR more effective!
Sadly, I see far too many people not starting something because they don’t “have the “motivation.”
Honestly, over four years ago I did not have the “motivation” to get my butt up at 5 AM every morning and do an extreme workout that caused me to “suck wind” every time for anywhere from 35 to 60 minutes.
But, what was important to me was getting back something that I had lost… self-confidence and good physical health.
So, regardless of my motivation level, I got up every day and just did it. What I wanted was MORE important to me than how I felt that day. I KNEW what I wanted the most!
During a military deployment to Afghanistan, I didn’t “feel like” or “have the motivation” to get up every day, put on my boots, and go to work. I wanted to be home with my new wife of 7 months and sleep in my own bed and have running water!! But I got up every day, put on my boots, and walked out the door in the heat and the cold.
No matter what it is that you need to get done, just find the smallest thing that will move you in the direction of accomplishing it and JUST DO IT!! Motivation can and WILL fail you.
There will be days you just feel miserable and tired.
But let me let you in on a little secret… the world WANTS you to sleep in. They want you to fail. They don’t want to be convicted by your example to face your struggles and find a way, because that shines a light on what they think they’ll never be.
STOP using the lack of motivation as an EXCUSE!
As a mentor of mine, Jimmy Hays Nelson has said, “motivation is over rated!”
DISCIPLINE is what makes things get done! Every time, regardless of the motivation, regardless of how you feel, come what may!
KNOW what you want.
GO AFTER what you want.
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