What do you do when you get in what I call a “funk”?

I get in a workout funk sometimes… the alarm goes off, I hit the snooze button, it goes off again, I debate hitting it again vs crawling out the bed… Luckily, my half-asleep body drags me out the bed to go push play.20130514-135519.jpg

Is it easy waking up at 5am to workout Monday through Friday? Not always. Do I ask myself, why in the world are you still doing this? Sure I do… Do I get up anyway? Yep, except on a rare occasion that I may not be feeling well or totally pooped, I might sleep in.

So what happens when you get to the point that working out is no longer fun? You’ve lost your drive, your motivation, your desire… to get your butt up- be it out the bed or off the couch if you workout later- and just do it already.


Well, what I do is try to figure out what’s going on.

What I come up with most often are these questions for myself: Am I getting enough sleep? Do I need some down time or a break? Am I pushing myself too hard in other aspects of my life and exhausting myself? Have I become bored with my workout? Do I need to change things up and do something different?

Here are my answers majority of the time: no. yes. yes. yes. yes.

So the answers then are pretty clear, and I know what to do! Sleep more, relax more, take an extra rest day if needed, find a new program or routine- or change up my current one to make it fresh and exciting! I like to put on a funky bandana or some knee socks and have fun! You may see my pics and think I’m a little crazy, but it makes me feel good! Try it!


So if you’re feeling like you’re in a funk,  you’re not alone! Figure out what’s making you feel that way… then snap out of it! It’s so easy to fall out of a routine, and it’s so much easier to talk yourself out of a workout then into one. Remember why you started in the first place and don’t beat yourself up if you’ve slacked off.

Make a change! Find out what drives you and what works for you. Changes things up! Go walk outside and get some fresh air. Take a run around the block. Walk the dog. Lift the dog! Put in a different DVD. Workout with a friend. Take a hike. Do what makes you feel good about yourself and just get back to moving!

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If you need any help, I am happy to talk with you. Now go PUSH PLAY!

Your Coach, Brandy 🙂










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