I’ve tried meal replacements and different protein drinks for a long time…many different kinds. This is different…very different.

After doing my research and reading up on it and many others…this is about, in a word, functionality. What do I mean? When your body doesn’t have the things it needs to “operate” properly, you can get sick, tired, overweight, and even more susceptible to certain types of diseases.

Shakeology is designed to provide your body with things it doesn’t normally get in the course of the healthiest of day’s meals. The creators of Shakeology looked for the right combination of what are called “superfoods” across the world to give the greatest health benefits they could find. As the body gets the supplies it truly needs it “functions” better. When it functions better, you feel better, weight loss becomes easier because your body is not sapping essential supplies from the wrong places. As you feel and function better, you move more and can become more active. As you become more active, you become more healthy and fit, and potentially far happier about yourself and your life.  This is what 70+ natural ingredients can do for your body…

THAT is Shakeology!

Since we started using Shakeology, we’ve not been sick anything to speak of besides maybe a headache or stomach ache from eating the wrong thing.  It gives energy to start the day or finish it depending on when you use it.  It’s the meal we most look forward to.  It’s truly refreshing.

Not only can you drink it all by itself with just water, but, you can mix it with anything that you like.  We mix in to the Tropical Strawberry a bannana, almond milk, and some ice in our Ninja blender for a sort of smoothie feel and texture.  You can also use the chocolate Shakeology to make a soft serve ice cream!

Who says if it tastes good it must be bad for you?  It is truly a versatile product that is good for you in more ways than one.  Don’t just take my word for it though, check out what doctors and many other who use Shakeology say about it and it’s results.

Shakeology can help you:

  1. Lose Weight
  2. Feel Energized
  3. Improve Digestion and Regularity
  4. Lower Cholesterol
  5. Save Money

James H., Weight Loss – 61 years old – Las Vegas, Nevada

“I was out of shape, overweight, and bordering on high blood pressure. I felt sluggish, had difficulty walking up a flight of stairs at work, and was starting to get arthritis in my knees.

I weighed 265 pounds when I started using Shakeology as a daily noon meal replacement. I began doing the Shakeology 30 workout video every day too. I set a goal to get down to 225 pounds by my birthday on 7/26/2010. To my amazement, after 45 days on the program, I’ve lost 30 pounds and have gone from a 44 waist paints with a large belly hanging over to a 38 waist. And I can look straight down and see my toes, which I haven’t been able to do for at least 20 years.”

You might be thinking…

“But, it just costs so much compared to what else that’s out there.” 

Even my first words, when I heard the price, were, “Are you kidding me!?”  However, it didn’t take long for my mind to change as I experienced the results… as I learned about just what Shakeology is… as I learned about the so-called competition.

Don’t be fooled.  Other companies out there will try to make you think that you will pay less with them, but, when comparing their quality next to Shakeology, Beachbody CEO Carl Daikeler says this:

Other shakes don’t cost as much as Shakeology at first glance, but they also don’t contain the full profile of  vitamins and minerals or whole-food sources of anti-oxidants, phytonutrients, adaptogen herbs, prebiotics, probiotics or digestive enzymes. We’ve seen competitors make you buy a separate vitamin pack for $150 per month! And if you want chocolate flavoring you have to buy a separate flavor packet for an extra $25 a month. If you want metabolism boosting effects and appetite control, you have to buy 2 additional products at $50 each. Once you add it up, this is hardly a “good deal” and it is usually questionably healthy.

After having done some basic research for myself, I’d agree.  By the time you add it all up, you’re spending just as much or more for extra that with Shakeology comes “built in.”


With that kind of guarantee, you can not loose.

Here’s what people are saying about Shakeology

  • “I felt full and didn’t struggle with hunger.”
  • “I replaced all my vitamin supplements. I felt healthy and energized.”
  • “I was able to think more clearly and stay focused.”
  • “I have more energy, less cravings, more endurance, and feel more youthful.”
  • “Shakeology reduced my appetite and increased my energy so that I could accomplish more things throughout the day.”
  • “I have tried a lot of protein shakes and meal-replacement-type drinks, and Shakeology is the best tasting of them all. I mix it with a bit of soy milk and ice, and it tastes like an ice cream shake!”

How can you get Shakeology for the best price?  Two words… Home Direct.  This allows you to wave shipping costs and you can cancel any time you like. However, we firmly believe once you’ve given Shakeology an honest try, you will not want to stop!


Check out what else Beachbody CEO Carl Daikeler has to say about Shakeology:

$4 per day is not that difficult to save when you factor in the average $$ spent going out to eat when you could eat in, buying that every day cup of coffee, visiting the vending machine in your office…  Quickly you can see, if you’re honest with yourself, that if you’re to the point you’ve read this far, you realize that some changes need to be made and you can find how the dollars add up every month.  You can see how $4 per day for something healthy can be found after all.
Here’s to your health and future… may it be as bright as it can be as you either start your health and fitness journey or are just looking for that extra push to get beyond where you are now.  Shakeology can and will help you get there!
Ask about our 7 Day Sample by contacting ClientCare@TotalBodyBayou.com
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