I sit here writing up a speech titled “We DO What We WANT,” and it hits me how little people seem to want for their own life. Sometimes even how little I want for my own life.

Why do I say that? Because in life, we do what we want.


What I mean is that no matter what we SAY we want in and for life… the proof of our desire is in the action we take not the words we speak.

  • We say we want to change our life… but we sofa-surf with the the TV every evening… we WANT to sit and watch TV… so we DO it.
  • We say we want more money… but we make no effort to learn how… no effort to increase our own value in the world or workforce so that we can EARN more… so we DO spend money on the Lottery and complain we are not paid enough.

The proof of our desire comes from our actions,

We DO what we want… unfortunately… the problem is we want the best but we are not willing to pursue it.  Why?  What is holding you back? When I stopped making excuses of time… money… or whatever I could come up with… I realized it was truly a matter of BELIEF… or lack thereof.

How did I overcome it?

  • I figured out what I TRULY wanted in life
  • I took inventory of my excuses and got rid of them
  • I put aside the unimportant things that got in the way
  • I surrounded myself with mentors and leaders who pushed, motivated, and held me accountable
  • I found a method to achieve my goals
  • I never stopped DOING these things

My belief started small, but, it grew as I took the steps and achieved the results.

We paid off over $30,000 in debt.  We lost that weight we SO badly wanted to lose.  We started traveling like we LOVE to do.  We started donating to a greater degree to the things that were important to us.

Now we WANT to help and mentor others to do exactly what we did… and we are DOING something about it.  If you’d like to learn how we did it… if you WANT to make those steps to improve your life… we can show you the system we applied.

But you have to take the first step…

Comment below if you’re ready to DO something great!


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