Day 0:
So today is our measurements and pic day. We will call this day 0. It’s important to do this before starting any program so you know what your results are in the end.

So here are our starting numbers:

Weight- 163.8

Brandy- Weight- 116.8

We’ve been told the reset is a total body change. But we also want to document other changes as well, such as how we feel before and during the reset emotionally and physically and just overall.

Day 0- I am getting tired easier, not a lot of energy. I’m finding it harder and harder to wake up in the mornings and get up to workout. My workouts haven’t been as energetic as they normally were.

Day 0- Right now, I am extremely tired, pretty much all the time. I find myself lagging throughout the day, low energy levels. I sleep pretty good at night, just not enough for me- usually around 7-8 hours. I find that I have a lack of focus lately too. I’m not sure if it’s that I can’t focus or if I am just really tired and can’t concentrate. I’ve been giving into cravings lately as well, so I’m looking forward to getting back on track.

Day 1:

We woke up on day 1 and did some P90X X-stretch. There’s no working out on the reset and we are very much ok with that.

Breakfast was really good this morning, we had the oatmeal with blueberries and the plain yogurt. Lunch was a yummy quinoa salad and a huge micro green salad with a bunch of fresh veggies and homemade dressing. Jicama is a new food we tried today in the salad- it has a crunchy kind of sweet taste, really like it! For a snack between lunch and supper we had a tropical vegan Shakeology mixed with water and frozen fruit. Then supper was a Southwestern veggie taco with fresh guacamole and salsa.

We drank about a gallon of water today, took all our supplements as outlined by the guidebook. I was not fond of the green drink- Alkalinize! But Bryan liked it!

I resisted pizza and chocolate molten lava cake! That’s willpower right there! I felt hungry most of the day, even though the portions and meals are enough, I’m used to snaking between meals so for me that was kind of tough. I started with a headache yesterday and it continued all day today, that was the worst part for me. ~ Brandy

I figured I’d get a headache because normally if I miss a meal or don’t eat enough, I do.  Not sure what that is, but, I’ve been that way for years.  However, only a slight hint of one during the day and the evening. ~ Bryan












Day 2: We slept in this morning. We had the oatmeal with blueberries and plain yogurt again. For lunch we had a Greek salad with chicken and pine nuts. We had our tropical Shakeology for the snack. And supper was baked tempeh with steamed broccoli and brown rice. Again all the meals were delicious!!

I had a horrible headache all day again. It’s hard to pinpoint if its the reset or if its my lingering headache from before we started or a combo. I’m not a huge coffee drinker but I did usually have 1/2 cup a day. On the reset you can’t have caffeine. So I could be having the caffeine withdrawals. Otherwise, I feel pretty good, a little tired today. I was really cold today and had to bundle up. I look forward to all my meals and can’t wait til the next one!! ~ Brandy

I started with a headache in the evening and it got pretty bad.  So, I went to be early and woke up feeling better. The meals have all been really good so far! ~ Bryan












Day 3: We were able to sleep for 12 hours last nite, slept in since its Saturday and our day off. We still have a lingering headache today but hoping it gets better soon. Brandy took a 2 hour nap today and Bryan rested. We took a leisurely walk down our long driveway to get the blood flowing. We are basically just trying to relax and enjoy the process.

We had eggs with steamed spinach and Ezekiel bread for breakfast, a baked sweet potato that tasted like candy for lunch with a quinoa salad, tropical Shakeology for our snack, and supper was a huge feast of Japanese cucumber salad, miso soup, and nori rolls. It was so much food that I couldn’t finish it all.












Day 4: We slept in again today, taking advantage of as much sleep and downtime as we can. We both have noticed some pretty bizarre dreams we are having, which is kind of funny. We both have what some have called ‘reset brain’, we kind of have a fuzzy headed feeling and can’t quite focus. Our headaches are better today. I got a slight one but we think only because I was rushing to get ready for Church and was moving too fast. I took a half hour nap today. We took another leisurely stroll don our driveway. We are starting to have short bursts of energy later in the day but for the most part we are still low on energy. I noticed a little but of bloating today. ~ Brandy

I did ok for the most part but the more I exerted myself the more I felt my head begin to throb. All in all, much better than the previous day. ~ Bryan

For our meals today we had oatmeal with apple and flaxseed for breakfast along with plain yogurt sweetened with maple syrup. Lunch was a micro green salad and zucchini cashew soup, snack was chocolate vegan Shakeology. Supper was the delicious Southwestern veggie taco.












Day 5: The headaches are much much better and pretty much gone. We are having short bursts of energy now which is great! We woke up and did some foam rolling this morning and a little stretching.

Our meals today were the oatmeal and yogurt, Greek chicken salad, tropical Shakeology, and baked tempeh with broccoli and brown rice. We are still drinking about a gallon of water a day and of course taking all our supplements!












Day 6: Whoop! Today is the best day yet. No headaches today! We feel better in general, we have a little more energy and feel more like ‘us’. It’s definitely getting easier! I still feel a little chilly every now and then. We don’t feel so drained in the evenings like we usually do. We feel a little cranky today for some reason, but that could be part of the “emotional” process.

Meals were our favorite oatmeal, with green apples and flax seed, quinoa salad and a baked sweet potato, tropical Shakeology, and for supper we had nori rolls, Japanese cucumber salad and miso soup.












Day 7: Each day is getting better! We are having more energy, really enjoying the meals, for some reason today’s vegan chocolate shakeology was AMAZING! Maybe our taste buds are changing but that was so good today!!! No headaches again today!

Meals today were the oats with apples and flax, Greek chicken salad, vegan chocolate Shakeology, and Southwestern taco for supper.













  1. Look at your recipes ahead of time and prep what you can before meal times.
  2. Get a gallon of distilled water and add 1/4 teaspoon to it, and this is your water for the day.
  3. Rest/nap when you feel you need to.
  4. Prep your lunch for the next day before you go to bed, it makes the mornings easier if you work.

RESULTS for Phase 1: Bryan lost 6.7# and 2 inches and Brandy lost 1.7# and 2 inches! And that’s with NO exercise!

If you’d like more info on the Ultimate Reset, please let us know.

Your Coaches,

Brandy & Bryan Martin


One response

  1. I am so glad you guys are documenting this for the rest of us!!! I am excited to see how you feel during and after.

    Brandy, you and I weight the same, I was 116 this morning! I usually flux btw 110-118 depending on the time of the month :)~ We are weight sistas~

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