“Continue to plan, but make sure you circle your plans in prayer…. God allows our small […]
  “We’re too quick to give up on God when he doesn’t answer our prayers when […]
  The problem with this world today is we as a people are entirely too selfish, […]
  Ever wonder how to hit the “reboot” option on your life? Sometimes we get so […]
  Today, take the time to try and understand where every person you interact with is […]
  Mark 9:14-29 talks about a young, demon boy whose father brought him to Jesus in […]
  All of life and everything in it… has its season. Sometimes, even the people in […]
It’s important to start your day off right… FIRST thing in the morning. I start my […]
Did you know that I’m pretty much blind?! I mean, my eyes see ok and all, […]
  Ever wonder why you start something to only stop shortly after? You must ask yourself […]
  Proving this again in my own life… as I truly seek Him not for what […]