If you are what I call an “over-thinker,” you KNOW the hell that can live […]
  Mark 9:14-29 talks about a young, demon boy whose father brought him to Jesus in […]
  All of life and everything in it… has its season. Sometimes, even the people in […]
  I love this little story. Take a minute to read it when you can ⭐️ […]
When I think back about starting our coaching business… I remember it didn’t start that way […]
  4 years ago I took a chance on doing a home DVD called Insanity…. 4 […]
  One of the most dangerous creatures is the one backed into a corner with no […]
We CHOOSE to be! It is a choice every day. We CHOOSE to love each other! […]
  As I sat down today and reflected on this weekend at our leadership retreat, I […]
Isn’t that the truth! I’m tired of building things for other people, working for other people, […]